Our Services

Network & Cabling Structure

Rowwad offers a range of design and installation services such as network cabling installation and structured cabling installation. Our installation services can take your network from a concept to a reality.With in-house staff specializing in a range of different disciplines Rowwad offers the one stop shop for all of your communication infrastructure requirements.We follow a proven step by step process for delivering our cabling infrastructure projects:   
Rowwad can assist in assessing your communications infrastructure requirements. Our approach will look at not only your immediate applications but will also take into account future requirements, future growth of your organization and possible technology changes which would impact upon your cabling needs. Considerations like type of equipment, resilience and redundancy will be factored into our ROI analysis. Our network cabling installation and structured cabling installation services are recognized by many as among the best in the country.
Site Surveys
Rowwad Networks estimators are available to compile a comprehensive analysis of the building site layout and
any factors that might affect the ultimate solution.
Enabling Works
Our capabilities allow us to perform many activities, which may be required before the ‘real' job begins.
This could include, for example, installing cabinets, diamond drilling, civil works, and containment and UPS installations.
Infrastructure Installation
We can install a wide variety of transmission media including copper, fibre optic, twisted pair as well as associated components.
Rowwad tests and certifies every link in every installation to ensure standards and warranty compliance of our design and installation services.